But maybe I am wrong. Is 9 weeks too early to have baby brain?!
I swear...the last week or so I can't seem to remember crap! Like this for example...the other day at work one table paid me cash. They handed the presenter to me and said.."all set...thank you." Regardless of what they say, I always return the change...just in case. Well this time I put it in my pocket without even looking what was in it. I got a little busy but noticed they were still sitting there. I freaked out a little and thought they were waiting for change. So I reach into my pocket to cash it out and drop change...presenter wasn't there. Cue major freakout. After searching thru about 50 check presenters, my co worker came up to me and handed me the check. Appatently I had left it at the p.o.s. station. By that time, the guests had gotten up and left.
Not just that incident. I have worked for the Grand Lux for almost 2 years. I couldn't remember a table number to save my life. Nor would I remember to cash out a check after a guest left and then I would add another order to the check and end up having to get it voided and rang back in. Good times. Good times. My manager kindly reminded me that doing drugs while pregnant was not healthy.
I thought I would have longer before my memory became mush. Apparently not.

I swear...the last week or so I can't seem to remember crap! Like this for example...the other day at work one table paid me cash. They handed the presenter to me and said.."all set...thank you." Regardless of what they say, I always return the change...just in case. Well this time I put it in my pocket without even looking what was in it. I got a little busy but noticed they were still sitting there. I freaked out a little and thought they were waiting for change. So I reach into my pocket to cash it out and drop change...presenter wasn't there. Cue major freakout. After searching thru about 50 check presenters, my co worker came up to me and handed me the check. Appatently I had left it at the p.o.s. station. By that time, the guests had gotten up and left.
Not just that incident. I have worked for the Grand Lux for almost 2 years. I couldn't remember a table number to save my life. Nor would I remember to cash out a check after a guest left and then I would add another order to the check and end up having to get it voided and rang back in. Good times. Good times. My manager kindly reminded me that doing drugs while pregnant was not healthy.
I thought I would have longer before my memory became mush. Apparently not.
NO I don't think its too early! Just give yourself baby brain grace... :)