Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Frightener! most people who are expecting a baby will come up with some cutesy-type nickname to call the baby, rather than "IT" before they find out the sex/or give birth.  Well for those of you who know Bryan and myself...cutesy really isn't us.  So...I bring you...THE FRIGHTENER!!

Of course....I pray our Frightener looks nothing like this...this thing is damn scary looking...but Bry thought it was hysterical--the face pushing through the wall.  I like the slogan--No Rest for the Wicked.  LOL  I know my mother is probably going to crap her pants when she reads this but after being my mother for 31 years, this really shouldn't surprise her.

1 comment:

  1. Best name ever! Totally a You and Bry Production!!! LOL
